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Think of Brain Patterns as anything you are unconsciously driven to do, and or think, repeatedly.  Brain Patterns can be healthy and productive or absolutely destructive.

If you typically have desert after dinner, that is an action that the brain has grown to expect.
Until that brain pattern is broken, you will likely crave sweets, after dinner, no matter how large that dinner was.

People who work out on a regular basis, have a brain pattern that "expects" a daily work out. For this reason, it is not a struggle for a daily runner to get out of bed, lace up and head out for a run at dawn. 

Brain Patterns guide and control most of our life.  Fortunately, if you learn to understand them and feel their pull, you can easily control them.

Brain Patterns can result in actions or thoughts. For example, Often people have an idea of their own limitations that are simply brain patterns that can be easily broken, if the person truly desires to commit to breaking them.
Thoughts that begin with "I could never " or  "I am too scared to..." or "I am not good at..." and easily snapped in one bold action.
The person who told me that they could never fly, took their first flight and was, in that moment, a person who "could."

The person who decided they were painfully shy, and "hated" communicating, broke that by answering to one bold challenge- " Go to a party, talk to a stranger."  Of course we prepared for this, deciding ahead of time how to calm herself and what to say, but nonetheless, that idea was snapped in one week. These were bold, prepared moves, but nonetheless, destroyed a life-long brain pattern that had crippled the person it plagued


The Brain Patterns were meant to be broken and built to create the ideal, unique                                                            and most powerful YOU

Blue Light

What Limiting Brain Pattern do you need to break?  What life altering                          pattern would you like to develop? Take action Today!




Pay attention to the Patterns of life. 


If this pattern productive

Uncover unconscious Patterns

Imagine eating popcorn while watching an engaging movie. In this situation, you might be  in a mini-pattern of shoveling popcorn into your mouth unconsciously.

The brain is not really engaged, it is just doing the pattern.

Imagine eating a meal at 5 star restaurant, with your favorite chef, an experience that you have been looking forward to for a year. What is the different in that experience?

Consciousness and enhanced experience, and, likely, less consumption


Like getting up every morning and immediately heading for the coffee,

reaching for the running shoes,

having a drink after a day at work

sitting down in front of the TV every night after dinner 


Perhaps the most illusive and unconsidered patterns of life are our thought patterns.

They are the patterns that we generally don't consider within our control, but they have power to control every aspect of life.


Have you ever

"stewed" over an issue at work or with a family member?

been on an impossible hamster wheel of putting yourself down?

How about being on top of the world, or on a roll?


At any moment can choose to be conscious or unconscious of Patterns and                     engaging the brain allows us to decide about the patterns

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